I am practicing a motorcycle accident injury lawyer in Florida for over twenty years and I was less than thrilled to see that the USA Network recently announced their show, “Suits,” will be returning next summer with all new episodes. The show centers around the offensive and idiotic premise that a high-powered lawyer named Harvey Spector decides to forgo hiring Ivy League law graduates in favor of a high school dropout con artist, Mike Ross, with the hopes of passing him off as his protege and associate.
Apparently Ross has super-human memory and is able to work at all hours of the night and day. That seems to be enough for Spector who misrepresents to his partners, judges, opposing counsel and clients that Ross is a licensed attorney.
The show is nothing more than frightening and dangerous to our system of justice. The reputation of lawyers has been rocked by scandal after scandal as former prominent members of the Bar, especially here in Florida, are currently behind bars for one thing or another. It undermines our credibility with juries who are already distrusting of lawyers and think that they are often playing by their own rules, manipulating juries with fancy suits and ten-dollar words.
Clients who watch this show also may come to question what their lawyers’ true motivations are–since Harvey and Company stop at nothing to obtain the desired result, including practicing law without a license, lying, breaking and entering, and destroying evidence.
I wrote my book, “Make It Your Own Law Firm,” because I wanted to provide law students a step-by-step guide on how to become a real lawyer. “Suits” provides a dangerous alternative by suggesting all one has to do is to buy a peak-label double-breasted Tom Ford suit and slick you hair back. The practice of law is difficult, time consuming and stressful. The rewards we find are in helping those in need after being involved in a Florida catastrophic accident or from the negligence of a careless doctor or hospital.
Our Miami injury attorneys often work long hours, nights and weekends. Our lawyers have four-year college educations, have graduated from accredited law schools and have taken and passed the Florida Bar examination. They also participate in doing pro-bono work for those who would otherwise not have access to the legal system. Bruce Shemrock and Brandon Stein both work tirelessly for Lawyers to the Rescue, a not-for-profit humanitarian initiative that provides free legal services to Miami’s homeless community.
I urge all lawyers and law students to boycott this show as I can think of no more dangerous show on television today. For a more realistic look at the practice of law and the toll it takes on those who devote their lives to the pursuit of justice, watch “The Good Wife.” I suggest asking both clients and juries if they watch “Suits” and whether they think that it accurately portrays lawyers and their motives. Lawyers’ reputations are at an all time low, the last thing we need is 16 more one-hour episodes of the most dangerous show on television.
The show’s one website describes Mike Ross’s character in the following way:
“The most brilliant lawyer in New York City doesn’t even have a degree. Mike Ross has gone from drug dealing and helping law students cheat on the bar to one of the most prestigious firms in New York City.”
– See more at: http://www.floridainjurylawyer-blog.com/2011/12/the-most-dangerous-show-on-tv.html#.TvzSJDYU7F8.email