Currently, Lawyers to the Rescue works in conjunction with Camillus House to provide legal assistance to homeless, low-income individuals with urgent legal needs. Though the city of Miami has great programs implemented to assist in social and financial rehabilitation, most have specific requirements as to who they are able to assist. Our goal is to offer aid to anyone regardless of their immigration status, income level or criminal history. By assisting these individuals with their legal issues, we are able to give them the opportunity to re-enter society free of any legal limitations.

Currently, attorneys that are members of Lawyers to the Rescue come to Camillus House once a month to meet with the residents on their various legal needs. The time between visits and the continuity required for proper legal assistance remains a challenge even with the software implemented to track the various cases.

All proceeds from donations go to supporting our volunteer legal counsel. The funds pay for things like filing fees, court fees, copies, contracts, case management software, and administrative fees -all in an effort to provide the best legal support to those who need it the most: the homeless community.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $10.00